NAV Navbar
  • Game Management
  • Room Management
  • History
  • Invoke Server Function
  • Analytics
  • Stores
  • Information
  • Social Sharing
  • Scoreboard Display
  • WebView Management
  • Events
  • Game Management

    Start Game

    Create a solo room (offline):{
      type: 'solo',
      onSuccess: function(room) {
        console.log("Solo room created", room);
        // Start game play here
      onFailure: function(error) {
        console.error("Something went wrong", error);

    Create a room with a specified set of friends:{
      type: 'friends',
      players: ['', ''],
      onSuccess: function(room) {
        console.log("Solo room created", room);
        // Start game play here
      onFailure: function(error) {
        console.error("Something went wrong", error);

    Pop up dialog to pick friends to play with:{
      type: 'friends',
      onSuccess: function(room) {
        console.log("Solo room created", room);
        // Start game play here
      onFailure: function(error) {
        console.error("Something went wrong", error);

    Create a room with random players:{
      type: 'random',
      attributes: {
        "difficulty": "medium"
      onSuccess: function(room) {
        console.log("Solo room created", room);
        // Start game play here
      onFailure: function(error) {
        console.error("Something went wrong", error);

    Starts a game by creating a room according to the specified parameters.

    Parameter Description
    type Type of room to be created. Possible values: solo/friends/random.
    players Array of player-ids with whom you want to create a room. Eg. [,]. If this value isn't mentioned, and the type is friends, Kapow will pop up the friend-selection dialog.
    attributes JSON object that'll be used to match players with each other in case of a random game.

    Add Player{
      onSuccess: function(room) {
        console.log("Room with invited player", room);
        // Resume game play here
      onFailure: function(error) {

    Displays the native overlay to select and add a player to the active room. Will return the updated room in the success callback.

      onSuccess: function(room) {
        console.log("Rematch room created", room);
        // Start game play here
      onFailure: function(error) {

    Creates a new room with the same set of players as there are in the existing one, and sends out an invitation to all of them, ensuring that even if all players in the room request for a rematch simultaneously, only a single room is created for all of them.

    End Game{
      onSuccess: function() {
        console.log("Solo game ended");
        // Show the game-ended screen
      onFailure: function(error) {

    Tells Kapow that the solo game is over, and the app will stop listing the game in its list of currently active rooms.

    Room Management

    Display Active Rooms

      onDismiss: function() {
        console.log("Dialog dismissed")

    Displays a pop up that shows the list of active rooms, ones where the game hasn't ended yet, that the user is a part of. Selecting one of these rooms, will trigger the load event.

    Get Active Rooms

      onSuccess: function(rooms) {
        for (var roomIndex in rooms) {
          console.log("Room #" + roomIndex + 1 + ": ", rooms[roomIndex]);
      onFailure: function(error) {

    Returns the list of active rooms, ones where the game hasn't ended yet, that the user is a part of.

    Load Room

      roomId: '',
      onSuccess: function(room) {
        console.log("Loaded room: ", room);
      onFailure: function(error) {

    Loads the context of a room indicated by the roomId to the WebView, granting access to all room specific APIs and attaching all related lifecycle callbacks. For example: Call this when you want to take the user to the last room he was a part of (as fetched from getActiveRooms) on game load.

    Parameter Description
    roomId Identifier of the room to be loaded into context.

    Unload Room

      onSuccess: function() {
        console.log("Unloaded room successfully");
        // Take the user to the game's home screen
      onFailure: function(error) {

    Unloads the context of a room from the WebView, removing access to all room specific APIs and detaching all related lifecycle callbacks. For example: Call this when the user clicks on Start a new game while waiting to get matched with a random opponent/shares an invite link and no one has joined yet.


      packetId: '1517568717299-n8e-m202',
      roomId: '',
      type: 'before', // To fetch 20 messages exchanged in the room since `1517568717299-n8e-m202`
      count: 20,
      onSuccess: function(packets) {
        console.log("Packets fetched from history", packets);
      onFailure: function(error) {

    Used to fetch the packets that have been exchanged within a room since the last time the game was open. The API returns a list of packets that have been exchanged in the group since the packet denoted by packetId in the success callback. More packets can be fetched recursively.

    Parameter Description
    packetId Identifier for the packet before/after which you want to fetch packets. Skip this attribute to get the history from the beginning.
    roomId Identifier for the room whose history is to be fetched.
    type Possible values: before/after.
    count Number of packets you want to retrieve (maximum of 25). Default value is 25.
    Response Parameter Description
    packets Array of packets exchanged in the room.

    Invoke Server Function

      functionName: 'functionName',
      parameters: {
        'key': 'value'
      invokeLazily: true,
      onSuccess: function(response) {
        if (response.status == "executed") {
          console.log("Result of invoking server side function: ", response.result);
        } else { // response.status == "scheduled"
          console.log("Function scheduled for invocation.");
      onFailure: function(response) {
        console.error("Error while invoking server side function: ", response.error);

    Sample server side function:

    var game = {};
    game.makeMove = function(move) {
      if (isValid(move)) {
        broadcastMove(move, function() {
            // Success callback
      } else {

    Sample client side code:

      functionName: 'makeMove',
      parameters: move,
      invokeLazily: false,
      onSuccess: function(response) {
        if (response.result) {
          console.log("Valid move");
        } else {
          console.error("Invalid move");
      onFailure: function(response) {
        console.error("Error: ", response.error);

    Invokes the specified method within your server JavaScript file and passes the value you return from your function in the success callback.

    Parameter Description
    functionName Name of the function on the server that you want to invoke.
    parameters JSON object you want to pass to the function as parameter during invocation.
    invokeLazily Set to true if you don't want to block on this network call and instead want the method to be invoked as and when the user has network connectivity. Default value is false.
    Response Attribute Description
    status Indicates whether the request was executed or just scheduled (in case of lazily-invoked RPCs).
    result Response returned from the server.
    error Error message returned from the server.

      eventName: 'new_game_tapped',
      attributes: {
        source: 'homescreen'

    Sends out an analytics event to Kapow servers. In future, there'll be a section in the Developer Dashboard where these events can be queried and visualized.

    Parameter Description
    eventName Name of the event to be sent.
    attributes JSON map of extra attributes {'key':'value'} that is to be sent along with the event.


    Use these stores instead of localStorage for consistent storage behavior across devices and operating systems.

    Game Store

      key: 'key',
      value: value,
      onSuccess: function() {
        console.log("Successfully stored value");
      onFailure: function(error) {
        console.error("Error while storing value", error);
      key: 'key',
      onSuccess: function(value) {
        console.log("Successfully retrieved value", value);
      onFailure: function(error) {
        console.error("Error while retrieving value", error);

    gameStore is used to store and retrieve data that is shared across multiple rooms. For example, user preferences such as in-game-sound settings (muted or not).

    Room Store

      key: 'key',
      value: value,
      onSuccess: function() {
        console.log("Successfully stored value");
      onFailure: function(error) {
        console.error("Error while storing value", error);
      key: 'key',
      onSuccess: function(value) {
        console.log("Successfully retrieved value", value);
      onFailure: function(error) {
        console.error("Error while retrieving value", error);

    roomStore is used to store and retrieve data that is specific to a particular room.


    Get Player Information

      playerId: '',
      onSuccess: function(player) {
        console.log("Player information", player);
      onFailure: function(error) {
        console.error("Error fetching player information", error);

    Returns information regarding the player, denoted by playerId.

    Parameter Description
    playerId Identifier of the player whose information you want to retrieve.


    Sample Player Object:

      id: "",
      firstName: "Alice",
      lastName: "Michael",
      profileImage: "",
      affiliation: "invited",
      country: "IN"
    Attribute Description
    id Identifier of the player whose information was retrieved.
    firstName First name of the player.
    lastName Last name of the player.
    profileImage URL to the user's profile image.
    affiliation User's affiliation in the room. Possible values: invited/accepted/left/rejected/unknown.
    country ISO Alpha 2 code of the country that the user belongs to.

    Get User Information

      onSuccess: function(user) {
        console.log("User information", user);

    Returns information regarding the user whose device the game is running on.


    Sample User Object:

      player: {
        id: "",
        name: "Alice Michael",
        profileImage: "",
        affiliation: "invited"
    Attribute Description
    player Player object corresponding to the user.

    Get Room Information

      onSuccess: function(room) {
        console.log("Room information", room);
      onFailure: function(error) {
        console.error("Error while fetching room information", error);

    Returns information regarding the room that's loaded in the WebView. If a room has not been created/loaded yet, you'll receive an error response.


    Sample Room Object:

      id: "",
      type: "solo",
      nextPlayerId: "",
      players: [{
        name: "Alice",
        id: "",
        profileImage: "",
        affiliation: "accepted"
      }, {
        name: "Bob",
        id: "",
        profileImage: "",
        affiliation: "accepted"
    Attribute Description
    id Identifier of the room.
    type Indicates the type of the room. Possible values are: solo/friends/random.
    nextPlayerId Identifier for the player whose turn it is next.
    players Array of player objects who are part of the room.

    Social Sharing{
      text: "Hello, world!",
      medium: "facebook",
      onSuccess: function() {
        console.log("Successfully shared");
      onFailure: function(error) {
        console.error("Error while sharing", error);

    Shares the text on the specified medium.

    Parameter Description
    text Text to be shared.
    medium Medium on which you want to share the post. Either of facebook/twitter. Skip this attribute if you want Kapow to pop up the generic share dialog.

    Scoreboard Display

      metric: 'coins',
      interval: 'alltime',
      onDismiss: function() {
        console.log("Scoreboard dismissed");

    Displays the scoreboard for the specified metric and interval.

    Parameter Description
    metric Configured metric whose stats are to be displayed.
    interval Time interval for which the stats are to be displayed. Possible values are: daily/weekly/monthly/alltime.

    WebView Management

    Close WebView


    Closes the web-view and sends the user to the home-screen of Kapow.


    You can attach handlers to the following lifecycle events.


    kapow.on('load', function(room) {
      if (room) {
      } else {

    Published when the game is loaded, along with a room object (which can be null in case a room hasn’t been created yet). Your game's code should only start executing from this point. Treat this as the equivalent of document.onload.


    kapow.on('pause', function() {

    Published when the game loses focus (the app is put in the background). This is an indicator for the game developer to persist the game’s state in the roomStore.


    kapow.on('resume', function() {

    Called when the game gains focus.

    Incoming Data

    kapow.on('data', function(packet) {
      var move =;

    Published when one of the players sends out data.


    Sample packet

      packetId: "1517568717299-n8e-m202",
      data: {
        key: "value"
      senderId: ""
    Parameter Description
    packetId Identifier for the packet.
    data Data published with the packet.
    senderId Identifier of the player who published the packet.

    Turn Change

    kapow.on('turn_change', function(player) {
      kapow.getUserInfo(function(user) {
        if ( === {
        } else {

    Published as a result of a setNextPlayer API call. Indicates who the next player to make the move is. You can compare this with the user's own player-id to check if it's his turn currently.

    Player Join

    kapow.on('player_join', function(player) {
      kapow.getRoomInfo(function(room) {
        var countOfAcceptedPlayers = 0;
        room.players.forEach(function(player) {
          if (player.affiliation == "accepted") {
        if (countOfAcceptedPlayers == EXPECTED_COUNT_OF_PLAYERS) {

    Published when a new/invited player joins/accepts an invitation to the room.

    Game End

    kapow.on('game_end', function(outcome) {

    Published when the server signals the end of a game.

    Game Expiry

    kapow.on('game_expire', function(outcome) {

    Published when the invite to a friend/random opponent expires. The room will be closed post this.

    Back Button Press

    kapow.on('back_button_press', function() {
      if (isUserOnGamePlayScreen()) {
        return true;
      } else {
        return false;

    Published when the user presses the back-button. Return true if you are handling this particular event on your own. If not, Kapow will close the web-view.