NAV Navbar
  • Broadcast Data
  • Room Management
  • Utilities
  • Information
  • Feeds
  • Scoreboards
  • Analytics
  • Response
  • Events
  • Broadcast Data

    Send Turn{
      data: {
        move: 'x'
      roomId: '',
      senderId: '',
      nextPlayerId: '',
      successCb: function() {
        console.log("Successfully sent data");
      failureCb: function(error) {
        console.error("Something went wrong", error);

    Broadcasts data to all players in the room on behalf of fromPlayerId as a move (triggering the data event for every player on the client), sets the next player to nextPlayerId, and sends him a notification if specified.

    Parameter Description
    data Data to be broadcasted within the room.
    roomId Identifier for the room in which the data to be broadcasted.
    senderId Identifier for the player on behalf of whom the data is to be broadcasted.
    nextPlayerId Player whose turn it is next.
    notification Optional notification that should be sent to the player identified by nextPlayerId.

    Send Data{
      data: {
        move: 'x'
      senderId: '',
      roomId: '',
      successCb: function() {
        console.log("Successfully sent data");
      failureCb: function(error) {
        console.error("Something went wrong", error);

    Broadcasts data to all players in the room on behalf of the specified player as a move. This triggers the data event for every player on the client.

    Parameter Description
    data Data to be broadcasted within the room.
    roomId Identifier for the room in which the data to be broadcasted.
    senderId Identifier for the player on behalf of whom the data is to be broadcasted.

    Room Management

    Set Next Player{
      playerId: '',
      roomId: '',
      successCb: function() {
        console.log("Successfully set the next player");
      failureCb: function(error) {
        console.error("Something went wrong", error);

    Tells every player in the room whose turn it is next. This triggers the turn_change event on the client side.

    Parameter Description
    playerId Identifier for the player whose turn it is next.
    roomId Identifier for the room that the player is a part of.

    End Game{
      outcomeType: 'result'
      ranks: {
        '': 1,
        '': 2
      data: {
        key: 'value'
      roomId: '',
      onSuccess: function() {
        console.log("Successfully ended game");
      onFailure: function(e) {
        console.error("Game could not be ended", e);

    Triggers the game_end callback within the room with the passed outcome object and saves it on Kapow servers. Any extra data that you want the clients to receive within this callback can be set inside the data field.

    Parameter Description
    outcomeType Type of outcome. Possible values are: result/resignation/draw/timeout.
    ranks Map of player identifiers to their respective ranks.
    data Extra data that you want to transmit along with the outcome.
    roomId Identifier of the room where the game is to be ended.


    Schedule RPC

      roomId: '',
      functionName: 'sendNotification',
      parameter: {
        user: ''
      delayInMinutes: 5,
      successCb: function() {
        console.log("Successfully scheduled RPC");
      failureCb: function(e) {
        console.error("Error while scheduling RPC", e);

    Schedules invocation of a function in your server side code, within a globally defined game object, with a specified parameter, after a specific time interval, in the context of a room (if necessary). It's equivalent to invoking game.functionName(parameter) after a set-timeout.

    Parameter Description
    roomId Identifier for the room in the context of which you want this function to be invoked. Optional parameter.
    functionName Name of the function to be invoked.
    parameter Parameter to be passed to the specified function during invocation.
    delayInMinutes Amount of time, in minutes, post which the function is to be invoked. Supports only whole numbers.

    Send Notification

      players: ['', ''],
      notification: notification,
      successCb: function() {
        console.log("Successfully sent notification");
      failureCb: function(e) {
        console.error("Error sending notification", e);

    Sends a notification to the list of specified players.

    Parameter Description
    players List of player identifiers to whom the notification is to be sent.
    notification Notification to be sent.


    Sample notification:

      id: 'nudge_roomId',
      title: 'Y U NO play?',
      text: 'Time is running out!', ,
      buttons: [{
        text: 'Play',
        action: 'kapow://room/open?roomId=' + kapow.getRoom().id;
    Parameter Description
    id Unique identifier for the notification. If specified, will replace a previous notification generated by the same id instead of creating a duplicate notification on the device.
    title Title of the notification.
    text Text to be sent with the notification.
    buttons Array of buttons that are to be displayed on the device. Maximum array size is 3.


    Parameter Description
    text Button text.
    action Action to be performed on clicking the button.


    Available actions are as follows:


    Get Player Information

    var player = kapow.getPlayer();

    Returns information regarding the player who invoked the server side code.


    Sample Player Object:

      id: "",
      firstName: "Alice",
      lastName: "Michael",
      profileImage: "",
      affiliation: "accepted",
      country: "IN"
    Attribute Description
    id Identifier of the player whose information was retrieved.
    firstName First name of the player.
    lastName Last name of the player.
    profileImage URL to the user's profile image.
    affiliation User's affiliation in the room. Possible values: invited/accepted/left/rejected/unknown.
    country ISO Alpha 2 code of the country that the user belongs to.

    Get Room Information

    var room = kapow.getRoom()

    Returns information regarding the room in whose context the server side code was invoked.


    Sample Room Object:

      id: "",
      type: "solo",
      nextPlayerId: "",
      players: [{
        name: "Alice",
        id: "",
        profileImage: "",
        affiliation: "accepted"
      }, {
        name: "Bob",
        id: "",
        profileImage: "",
        affiliation: "accepted"
    Attribute Description
    id Identifier of the room.
    type Indicates the type of the room. Possible values are: solo/friends/random.
    nextPlayerId Identifier for the player whose turn it is next.
    players Array of player objects who are part of the room.

      playerId: '',
      templateValues: {
        player: 'Alice',
        coins: '100',
      successCb: function() {
        console.log("Successfully posted to feed");
      failureCb: function(e) {
        console.error("Error posting to feed", e);

    Applies the specified [templateValues](#template-values) to the game specific template, and publishes it on the specified player's feed.

    Parameter Description
    playerId Player on whose feed the post is to be made.
    templateValues JSON map of values that are to be used to template the feed-post string.

    Template Values


      'player': 'Alice',
      'level': '10',
      'starCount': 3

    For a post like {player} cleared level {level} with {starCount} stars., the templateValues will look as follows.


      playerId: '',
      scores: {
        gold: 50,
        points: 100,
        time: 43.21
      successCb: function() {
        console.log("Successfully posted scores");
      failureCb: function(e) {
        console.error("Error posting scores", e);

    Posts the passed set of scores to Kapow's scoreboards for the specified player.

    Parameter Description
    playerId Player for whom the scores are to be posted.
    scores JSON map of metric to corresponding score/value.

      eventName: 'outcome_reached',
      attributes: {
        outcomeType: 'draw'

    Sends out an analytics event to Kapow servers. In future, there'll be a section in the Developer Dashboard where these events can be queried and visualized.

    Parameter Description
    eventName Name of the event to be sent.
    attributes JSON map of extra attributes {'key':'value'} that is to be sent along with the event.


      response: response,
      error: error

    Sample success response:

      response: {
        key: 'value'

    Sample error response:

      error: {
        key: 'value'

    Returns the specified response attribute as a response in the successCb of the client that invoked the server side function. If an error attribute is specified, it's assumed that the invocation resulted in an error and the corresponding failureCb of the client is called.

    Parameter Description
    response Success response of the invocation that is to be returned to the client.
    error Error response of the invocation that is to be returned to the client.


    You can attach handlers to the following lifecycle events.

    Player Join

    kapow.on('player_join', function(player) {
      var room = kapow.getRoom();
      var countOfAcceptedPlayers = 0;
      room.players.forEach(function(player) {
        if (player.affiliation == "accepted") {
      if (countOfAcceptedPlayers == EXPECTED_COUNT_OF_PLAYERS) {

    Published when a new/invited player joins/accepts an invitation to the room.

    Player Leave

    kapow.on('player_leave', function(player) {
      var room = kapow.getRoom();
      var countOfAcceptedPlayers = 0;
      room.players.forEach(function(player) {
        if (player.affiliation == "accepted") {
      if (countOfAcceptedPlayers != EXPECTED_COUNT_OF_PLAYERS) {

    Called when an existing player leaves.

    Invite Reject

    kapow.on('invite_reject', function(player) {
      var room = kapow.getRoom();
      doStuffOnInviteRejected(player, room);

    Called when an invited player rejects the invite.